Yes, You Can Vacuum Form EVA Foam! (Part 2 Layering)

Yes, You Can Vacuum Form EVA Foam! (Part 2 Layering)

Yes, You Can Vacuum Form EVA Foam!
(Part 2 Layering)

This is a follow-up video on vacuum forming EVA foam. I'll be demonstrating a simple, but very effective, layering technique that I use for costume building. I'll be working with EVA foam, HIPS, and ABS thermoplastics.

Plans for 18"x24" Vacuum Former
Heating Unit: Comfort Zone CZQTV5M Ceiling Mount Quartz
Heater 1500 Watts:
Kevlar Gloves:
EVA Foam:

Prop Monkey Studio: 3910 Bowser Ave., Dallas TX, 75219